
Taupo-nui-a-Tia College is a top sporting college, with lots of opportunities in many different sports. 

Sport is an integral part of the college and of our community, and for that reason it will not be difficult to find your place in any of our 30 sports.

In New Zealand sports are divided over summer and winter sports. Summer sports are mainly played during term 4 and 1 (October till April), while winter sports are filling up term 2 and 3 (April till October)

Summer sports

In summer our rowing and sailing teams are active on the water, our swimmers go into the open water, and our triathlon athletes are competing in many local, regional and national events.  

Volleyball and rugby sevens are popular summer team sports. Both boys and girls are competitive at national level in those sports. Individual sports like golf and tennis are played in club level. With the tennis and golf courts within walking distance of the school, both sports are an attractive choice! 


Winter Team Sports

The traditional winter team sports in NZ are hockey, football, rugby, basketball and netball and Taupo-nui-a-Tia college is represented in those sports in strong competitions throughout the region. Our dedicated coaches and managers, supported by our sports coordinator, are taking care of the teams, trainings, and games. 

Other sports opportunities

Badminton, golf, mountain biking, squash, swimming, adventure racing and equestrian are sports, the college offers all year round. Sports facilities are in most cases very close to school. 

Besides competitive sports, many clubs also offer social opportunities for our students. The Wednesday night social hockey is a must go to, and the local football club organizes social games in the off season.