Junior Assessment Guide

The New Zealand education system is experiencing a major overhaul with a new curriculum in place - Te Mataiaho - and a new learning progressions framework currently being developed to assess student success. Taupo-nui-a-Tia College is currently reporting on junior progression using National Curriculum Levels (NCL). The reporting system we have chosen aims to retain continuity between primary, intermediate and secondary education. The points below will explain how to read and interpret our current school report.

With the current Curriculum and NCEA refresh in full swing, we are investigating new ways in which to report using a new system of using progress outcomes and stages of learning.   

Subject Specific Skills Curriculum Levels:
When reporting on Curriculum Levels, the higher the number, the higher the curriculum level. Students are expected to move through these levels as their schooling progresses. We have provided a guide to illustrate standard progression against national expectation. In addition, subjects will now report on levels of progress within Curriculum Levels.

  • B = Basic: the student is working at the beginning of the curriculum level
  • P = Proficient: the student consistently and confidently meets the curriculum level
  • A = Advanced: The student has mastered the skill or understanding at that curriculum level, and is ready to move to the the next curriculum Level
 End of Yr8End of Yr9End of Yr10End of Yr11
Arts2A-3B3B-4P4A-5ANCEA L1
English3P-4B4B-4A5B-5ANCEA L1
Health and PE2A-3B3B-4P4A-5ANCEA L1
Languages1B-4B1B-4B2P-5PNCEA L1
Mathematics3P-4B4B-4A5B-5ANCEA L1
Science3P-4B4B-4A5B-5ANCEA L1
Social Studies4B-4A5B-5A5B-5ANCEA L1
Technology2A-3B3B-4P4A-5ANCEA L1

While Level 4 is appropriate for most subjects at Year 9, and Level 5 for Year 10, there are some exceptions as follows:

  • Students with special learning needs
  • Students who are learning a subject for the first time at college (for example, a second language) are unlikely to follow these trends.

Two results will be completed for each assessment. Evidence is obtained through a range a range of informal and formal assessment approaches.

  1. Prior understanding: Illustrates the students' NCL prior to any teaching or learning.
  2. Progression in understanding: shows the development of understanding following subject specific teaching and learning.